12944 West Dixie Hwy, North Miami, FL 33161
Phone (305) 433-5686
4699 N. State R 7, Ste B2, Tamarac, FL 33319
Phone (954) 234-2878
805 S Kirkman Rd Ste 210, Orlando, FL. 32811
Phone (407) 403-5454
Phone (305) 433-5686
Phone (954) 234-2878
Phone (407) 403-5454
Home » Immigration Services » Haitians in Miami
US is the land of opportunity and this couldn’t be any clearer when looking at the average immigration numbers per year. Q4 of 2022 alone recorded little over 286,000 immigrants acquiring their LRP (Lawful Permanent Residents) status. Additional 136,000 noncitizens got their immigrant visas as new arrivals and the numbers increase every year. This is where First Class Enterprise comes in.
In this climate, First Class Enterprise qualifies as the leader in immigration assistance with the goal of creating more opportunities for lawful immigration. Those in need of assistance, guidance, or humanitarian aid can contact our team at:
Check our website for additional information and support.
Understanding the Biden Humanitarian Program & TPS
Modeled after the U4U initiative, the Biden Humanitarian Program seeks to provide those in need with more opportunities for lawful migration. The program leverages a sponsorship model, where foreign nationals with a U.S.-based sponsor can apply for legal entry into the country.
Each application is considered on a case-by-case basis under the umbrella of humanitarian parole, with priority given to applicants in dire need of humanitarian aid. The beneficiaries, once approved, can stay for a temporary parole period of up to two years. They can then apply for work authorization and a social security number upon arrival to ease their access into the U.S. community.
As for TPS (Temporary Protected Status), it is a humanitarian solution that allows anyone living in countries with unsafe conditions to migrate to the US and find legal employ. As of December 5th, 2022, Haiti has received the TPS status for 18 months, from February 4th 2023 to August 3rd 2024.
This allows anyone living in Haiti to come to the US, find a home, and start working without too much hassle. First Class Enterprise can walk you through the process and help you find a new home in the US. So, don’t hesitate to contact us!
The Role of First Class Enterprise
With a deep understanding of the program’s intricacies and requirements, our organization offers free, expert immigration services to Haitian nationals. This means we can assist with the application process to providing post-arrival support and assistance throughout the years. The goal is to maximize the program’s benefits and help immigrants with the accommodation and integration process.
Eligibility for the Humanitarian Program
To qualify for the Biden Humanitarian Program, beneficiaries must meet specific eligibility criteria. The most important one is being Haitian, Cuban, Venezuelan citizens, or Nicaragua, or ranking as immediate family members of these nationals.
Other key prerequisites include living outside the U.S., having a U.S.-based supporter willing to file a Form I-134A on their behalf, and passing national security and public safety. Compliance with vaccination requirements and other public health guidelines is crucial as well for all those who apply.
Embracing a New Chapter with First Class Enterprise
In an era marked by significant policy changes, First Class Enterprise has emerged as a guiding light for Haitian immigrants aspiring to establish a new life in the U.S. In the midst of these shifting dynamics, the uncertainties surrounding the immigration processes can be daunting.
This is where First Class Enterprise steps in, providing free, comprehensive immigration services to steer applicants through the complexities of the Biden Humanitarian Program.
From helping potential beneficiaries understand their eligibility, assisting with document preparation, and guiding them through the application process, First Class Enterprise is committed to providing end-to-end support.
For more information, you can contact us at:
You can also visit our website for additional information and support.