12944 West Dixie Hwy, North Miami, FL 33161
Phone (305) 433-5686
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Phone (954) 234-2878
805 S Kirkman Rd Ste 210, Orlando, FL. 32811
Phone (407) 403-5454
Phone (305) 433-5686
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Home » Income Tax Preparer
Do you file your income tax returns the way you should? Or do you skip over some steps and hope no one notices? And what income tax refunds do you receive from the government? If you’re unsure about any of these things, First Class Enterprise can help you! We specialize in helping people prepare their income tax returns accurately and efficiently.
Jean Sorel, our top income tax prepare, is ready to help you file your income tax returns. It’s quite hard for the average American to correctly do this because there are too many mathematical formulas involved. The procedure is detailed and complicated, so why not let us do it for you! We’re professional income tax preparers, after all. We’ll spare you the wasted time and do it faster and more proficiently.
Call us at (305) 433-5686 or schedule an online appointment here to learn more about our services!
Hire Jean Sorel of First Class Enterprise to file your tax income returns and you’ll receive the following benefits:
By hiring Jean Sorel, you will save a lot of time. Preparing tax returns is a difficult job and you could spend several hours doing it. It’s stressful and inaccurate, if you don’t know your tax codes and such things. How about letting a professional file your income tax returns and be done with it? We can file them quickly and accurately so you won’t receive a visit from the IRS.
Even if you’re audited by the IRS, we’ll represent you during the audit. We know all about tax loopholes, tax updates, deductions, and credits. With our help, you’ll be financially relaxed and comfortable, knowing that your tax returns are all accounted for. You’ll soon forget you even have tax returns to file! Jean Sorel is a professional tax return preparer with 18+ years of experience in this field, so he’s the best of the best.
We’ll calculate your tax returns and all data entries accurately so we can maximize your tax refund amounts down to the last cent. Who doesn’t want to receive more tax refunds, after all? It’s interesting to know that most Americans receive a smaller tax return amount because their calculations are inaccurate. They end up losing because of it, in the end.
We’re a veteran tax firm that has offered consultancy services for over 18 years. We’ve served all of Florida, including Miami, Fort Lauderdale, North Miami Beach, North Miami, West Palm Beach, and Miramar. We can save you money and reduce your risk of being audited by the IRS, and that’s not all. We deal with tax levies and liens, as well.
Jean Sorel offers direct assistance with individual and business tax returns across all 50 states. He’s gathered a solid reputation as being rigorous, professional, and thorough in filing tax returns. We believe that’s what matters in this field – rigorousness and thoroughness. An accurate tax return preparation will reflect a healthy financial situation, and you receive heftier tax refunds.
A professional tax income preparer like Jean Sorel is a great asset to have, whether you’re an individual or business. Everyone needs someone like Jean Sorel because taxes are the barebones of everything that is financial. Salary, business revenue, dividends, all of them are more or less taxable incomes.
We do charge a fee for our tax return services but the fee is minimal and pales in comparison to the benefits. First Class Enterprise offers first-class services for all citizens of Florida and not only. We serve all 50 states in providing accessible tax return preparation services, so don’t hesitate to contact us!
Jean Sorel is a certified income tax prepare with ample experience. He has been working with taxes for over 18 years and is up-to-date with all the tax codes, tax changes, deductions, and principles of tax filing. He’s what you might call an expert in this regard.
The residents of Florida are either earning a salary or making a profit through a business venture. Either way, the taxes need to be paid. Tax returns are a bit more special and complicated because you need to be specially accurate. One mistake and you may end up paying more in tax returns and receiving less in tax refunds. That’s not exactly great but, unfortunately, this is the case with many Americans.
Many people end up being audited by the IRS and are found with several inaccuracies in their tax filings. Most of them are unintentional but the IRS doesn’t care about that. A mistake is a mistake, and you still have to pay for it. Hiring Jean Sorel would prevent any of that from happening.
A professional income tax preparer deals in numbers all day long. Jean Sorel has refined his accuracy and rigorousness to the peak. He’s the edge you need to be at the top of your tax game. No more IRS audits going wrong and no more exorbitant payouts to the Tax Office. You pay exactly what you’re due and you receive exactly the tax refunds you’re due.
Even if a problem occurs unexpectedly and the IRS audits you, First Class Enterprise and Jean Sorel will represent you. Once a client, always a client, we always say. Our assistance doesn’t stop at merely filing your tax returns. We also provide full representation during audits and other assessments performed by the IRS or other tax authorities.
If you’d like to learn more about First Class Enterprise and how we can file your tax returns, call us at (305) 433-5686 or schedule an online appointment for guidance! We’re available 24/7, all year-round and we’d be happy to make another client. Jean Sorel will handle your cause individually and take every appropriate measure to serve your best interest!