12944 West Dixie Hwy, North Miami, FL 33161
Phone (305) 433-5686
4699 N. State R 7, Ste B2, Tamarac, FL 33319
Phone (954) 234-2878
805 S Kirkman Rd Ste 210, Orlando, FL. 32811
Phone (407) 403-5454
Phone (305) 433-5686
Phone (954) 234-2878
Phone (407) 403-5454
Home » Locations » Broward Obamacare Agent » Tamarac
According to statistics published by the Commonwealth Fund, 43% of working-age adults in the U.S. are inadequately insured in 2022. The total number of uninsured people is roughly 26 million, but even many insured Americans find their coverage doesn’t allow them access to needed services. Are you among the many Americans looking for more affordable and comprehensive health insurance? First Class Real Enterprise is here to help! We assist clients enrolling for Obamacare and choosing the best insurance plans for their needs.
The U.S. offers some of the best healthcare services in the world. American patients benefit from state-of-the-art medical technology, treatment innovations, and some of the shortest waiting times for emergency and preventive care. Unfortunately, many people have to cover medical expenses out-of-pocket, and a large percentage of the population delays medical care due to these additional expenses.
If you’re looking for transparent, comprehensive healthcare insurance in Tamarac, our agents can help you! Call us at (305) 433-5686 or use our online form to enroll for Obamacare today!
First Class Real Enterprise is among the best Obamacare enrollment centers in Florida. We prioritize customer satisfaction and a job well done above all else. That’s why we’re proud of our consistent A+ BBB rating throughout the years. We know that quality, accessible healthcare is essential for all American citizens. Health is an important resource; we’re here to help you preserve it.
We believe we offer some of the best and most accessible health insurance services in Tamarac. We have a good track record of thousands of satisfied clients. We owe our impressive ratings and loyal customers to our work ethic and stellar services:
We don’t try to push unnecessary insurance premiums on you. We always listen to our client’s unique concerns and needs and work together to find the most accessible solution. We’ll ensure you get the best insurance plan for a reasonable sum.
Obamacare is a social health program that aims to make healthcare affordable to Americans in need. However, enrolling for Obamacare doesn’t come without a lot of confusing documentation. Are you knowledgeable about exclusion clauses, and do you know how these could apply in your case? Are you unsure which healthcare plan would be more advantageous for you?
Our Obamacare enrollment agents can help you with all the information you need! We’ve helped thousands of clients get insurance under Obamacare since 2010. We can do the same for you! Hire us, and you’ll benefit from the following:
Everyone needs an enrollment agent. Unfortunately, insurance companies aren’t always transparent or exhaustive when communicating with clients. That’s where professionals come in handy. Jean Sorel, lead expert and founder of First Class Real Enterprise, has already helped countless Floridians enroll for Obamacare.
He’s a certified life insurance agent, licensed general lines insurance agent, and licensed real estate broker with over 18 years of experience in the field. He knows the ins and outs of insurance contracts and exclusion clauses and can help you prepare all the documentation you need for your insurance plan.
Contact us for the opportunity to work with Jean Sorel or any other Obamacare enrollment agent on our team. We’ll help you get the best healthcare services for an affordable premium and no upfront costs! Call us at (305) 433-5686 or use our online form and get a free consultation!